Wednesday, June 18, 2014

It's rough out here in these streets....

Sometimes I get in a mood where I want to type but I don’t have anything to talk about. S/O to Shavaughn for shooting me a couple of topics so that I can effectively use these creative juices instead of wasting them!

It's summer and when the weather gets hot, clothing gets skimpier. People come out of hibernation and that park that sat empty all winter is now bustling with people. If you're a woman, you have most likely encountered some “street harassment” in your life.

It's interesting because when I was walking from the library earlier, a male acknowledged me and proceeded to ask for my number. When I informed him I was married he “left me alone.” When he first acknowledged my existence, the following though popped into my head:

“I don't really want to acknowledge him but he looks like he is a part of the neighborhood and I don't want to create bad vibes, so I should at least speak.

I also wondered if he would have “given up so easily” if I had simply stated “no” in response to whether or not he could have my number instead of saying I was married.

FTR this is what I would describe as a “tame” response on the part of the street harasser. Though people usually do not become irate or verbally abusive towards me (which I suspect has more to do with my response than it does with their personalities), they can be annoyingly persistent especially when all I want is to handle my business and keep it moving.

So yea street harassment....what exactly is that anyway?

For me, it is a word that describes unwanted interaction from people while you are in a public space attempting to handle your business. It obviously most often happens on the street but can happen in other public spaces such as the library or corner store.

It is annoying to say the least. What frustrates me though is that I think that (some) of the perpetrators truly don't believe they are doing anything wrong when they shout things like “Damn you sexy ma” , “can I get your number” “where are you going/why are you walking” etc.

On a good day, this “forced” interaction causes me irritation....simply because I have things to do and having unwanted, unsolicited conversation with random men trying to get into my panties is not usually on my to-do list. On a bad day, this type of interaction is infuriating because they make me feel devalued and uncomfortable. I don’t necessarily “dress for attention” from random people. I wear what I FEEL like wearing and I should not have to explain or justify this for anyone.

Yet street harassment has a way of making you feel like it's not OK to be comfortable. I definitely notice a difference in the type of attention I get from people depending on what I am wearing. Listen I live in the south and it is HOT. Wearing a sundress is for my comfort not a “thirst trap” as people like to call it these days. A short pair of shorts often means it is too hot to wear jeans...that’s it.

Street harassment makes me angry because I make it a point to not try to engage people who don’t look like they want to be engaged because it is rude. To me, it also shows that the person who is doing the street harassment views themselves as superior to the person whom they are talking. This is evident because in regular life, people are most often rude to people whom they feel are beneath them. When you view someone as an equal, you don't try to get them to do things that they are not interested in doing PERIOD because you value and appreciate their opinion.

It blows me that people don't understand just how rude it is to FORCE yourself into someone's space even when they clearly don't want to be bothered. It's like people believe that when you are in public, your existence should be public too, meaning people feel like they have the right to approach you at any time and basically demand your attention. This is by far the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. In no way shape or form does me coming out my house mean that I want to talk to anyone.

And yet time and time again, I feel pressured and forced to interact with people because I don't want things to “escalate to a different level”

Because lets be's not always as simple as ignoring someone. Unsolicited interaction AKA street harassment puts me in a position where I have to watch what it is that I say and do because I don't want to elicit the “wrong reaction”

By wrong reaction I mean things like the harasser becoming physically aggressive or stalking me home or something like that. And yes those things happen....they happen more often than society wants to acknowledge. So I have two options it physically uncomfortable and not be harassed or be physically comfortable yet emotionally uncomfortable....Oh to be a woman in today's society...

I am convinced at this point that my experience with street harassment has been “tame” in comparison to other people's only because I happen to talk to the people who try and talk to me. I know from experience that treating people nicely is more likely to garner a “nice response” but this does not eliminate all the anxiety and feelings of devaluement that occur as a result of people “trying to holla at me”

Because see there was this one time when I responded the way that I felt and that guy called me all types of bitches and hoes...this was after he tried to block me in the parking lot to FORCE me to talk to him. This was at a club in the parking lot. He wasn't trying to hear nothing smh. I told him I was engaged and he still kept pressing. I stated I wasn't interested and he tried to block me in with his car....

But yea

Even more concerning than my own individual feelings of discomfort is the fact that the perpetrators often don't feel like they are doing anything wrong, because they have the “right” to “holla at” whomever they want. These are the same types of people who feel that they are entitled to conversation (or anything else) because they chose to buy a woman a drink. These are the same types of men who believe that a woman dressing a “certain type of way” is OBVIOUSLY hunting for sex from the first person willing to offer it...

Street harassment is a concern because it supports a culture that devalues the opinions, thoughts and beliefs of women and people in general....Because you must think pretty highly of yourself to feel that you are entitled to conversations from other people. And since as a whole society acknowledges that forced conversation is not generally acceptable except in certain situations, it thus follows that people who feel they are able to force themselves on others naturally feel that they are more important than the average person....

And you can't be “more important” without devaluing the thoughts, feelings and wants of another person. I can't be “higher up on the totem pole” than you without first placing you at a lower space on said pole...

Street harassment is like the gateway behavior to sexual assault....and when you look at it in that light, it becomes difficult to just “brush it off” when you know that ignoring it could lead to something more...yet “brushing it off” is exactly what women often feel like they need to do in order to protect their well being.

What do you think? Have you ever been a victim of street harassment before? How did you cope? What were the results?

Saturday, June 7, 2014

RESPE you betta RESPECT ME (s/o to Khia)

Can I just begin this with stating that Rihanna's dress was jaw dropping my opinion.
Unfortunately, Rihanna's gorgeous dress, while it served as a “thought sparker” is actually not the subject of this blog.

Rihanna's dress (as could only be expected) encouraged a lot of discourse regarding what is and what is not deemed appropriate and respectable dress for women.

For the record, I am SO sick of other people trying to decide what a person should or should not wear. I am MORE sick of people using a person's choice in clothing as the determining factor as to whether or not they will “respect” a person. Then there’s the fact that people REALLY think that respect is something that can “be earned” and the reality of the situation is THAT'S NOT TRUE.

No one earns respect, respect is GIVEN.

Let me say that again YOU CAN NOT EARN RESPECT because you can not control how any given person responds to what you do or say. The concept of earning respect is contingent upon the other person being able to fulfill their portion of the “bargain” ie agreeing to respect you if you xyz. I'm pretty sure that when you earn something, it is usually because there was already an agreement in place between you and another party.

*pauses to check the internet for definitions*

When I looked up the word earn, the first 3 definitions focused on money and capital. The last definition was the only one that is even remotely appropriate for this conversation. According to Merriam-Webster, the (4th) listed definition for earn is: gain or incur deservedly in return for one's behavior or achievements.

For example, you EARN your paycheck because you and your employer have an agreement. You agree to do said work and your employer agrees to pay you. The concept of earning respect doesn’t make much sense because it implies that you
  1. already have a relationship with a person prior to meeting them
  2. have made an agreement about what is and isn't considered “respectable”
  3. have agreed to govern yourself accordingly in order to earn said respect.

Though it is possible in theory to “earn” respect, it is not really something that is feasible in day to day behavior given the aforementioned reasons...

A commonly held idea in our society is that we need to “dress a certain way in order to earn respect.”

Lets just say hypothetically that said respect could be earned...

Picture this:
I am wearing daisy dukes and a tank top (which is a realistic outfit choice for me). IF I encounter a person AND they felt I was unworthy of respect due to my appearance, how long would it take to earn that respect, a second a minute, an hour a day? Does it give random person on the street “the right” to “disrespect” me because I have not presented myself in what they deem to be an acceptable manner? And once said respect is earned, is it OK to go back to dressing as I did before? What if I had on a suit and I cursed you out? Would I still be considered worthy of respect because my ass isn't showing?

So many questions that I as an individual are unable to answer...because the answers are subjective depending on who I am interacting with...

This is why I subscribe to the idea that respect is GIVEN because whether or not a person respects you is COMPLELETELY up to that individual. Nothing you do or say can cause that person to give you respect unless they want to point blank period. So no Rihanna doesn’t need to clothe herself to earn your respect, in fact, nothing she does will earn your respect UNLESS you decide to give it to her. And it's up to you to decide who and what is deserving of “your respect”

No lets get to the real nitty gritty, my issue with the concept of RESPECT in general. The dictionary describes respect as both a verb and a noun.

As a noun: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements and as a verb: to admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

It should be noted that society's concept of respect has nothing to do with the aforementioned definition as we expect most people to behave in a “respectable” manner at all times. We use respect to determine what we feel is appropriate behavior for people to engage in.

But yea

Based off of the TRUE definition of respect, there are a whole mess of people I don't respect, because I don’t admire them in any way. This does not make me a bad person. It does not make them bad people either. What has the potential to make me a bad person is if I conclude that because I don't respect this person, I no longer have to acknowledge their humanity.

Respect is a word that I see used most often as a way to justify inhumane behavior. “She wasn't dressed in a respectable way so she asked for it.” “ I don’t respect her so I am not going to allow her to (insert basic human function here).” Another example is “ I had to do (insert violent act here) because I was disrespected and I am not going to put up with that.”

So back to that glorious dress...

Even though I saw nothing wrong with her clothing choice, the responses that came as a result of her clothing choice bothered me because they exist within a space that essentially supports rape culture. (that's a topic for another blog) And it uses the justification of something we all hold dearly (respect) to support these actions so it is easy to get the masses behind those thoughts...because we ALL want to be “respected” right?

Unfortunately, someone decided to tell society that EVERYONE DESERVES RESPECT and based off the definitions I've disucussed, not only is it not true, it may be impossible. What have you done that is worthy of admiration because that is the only time you “deserve” to be respected...

To be honest, there's really only one thing we “deserve” and that is to be treated humanely. In no way shape or form does my clothing choice take away from my ability to be human. Yet time and time again we use clothing to determine a person's humaneness...because we use clothing to determine whether or not a person is worthy of our “respect” and we equate respect with humaneness.
Don't believe me, see the quotes below.

His clothes are fresh and clean but he's begging for money...what a scammer I'm not giving him any food, he probably spent all his money on clothes.

She's wearing that mini dress, I can see why her rapist thought the sex was consensual. She should just drop the charges, everyone knows that's the kind of outfit you wear when you're looking to get laid.

He's wearing a hoodie, he's a thug he must be out to get me, I must protect myself.

We live in a society that tells us not to judge people by their appearance (unless it's their clothing then it's OK). And sometimes the conclusions we make about people based on those appearances can be a hazard to the lives of others due to our inability to control our behavior.

While it is your personal choice as to whether or not a person “deserves” your “respect”, a person's humanity should never up for debate. Simply put, a person does not loose their rights as a person because you have chosen not to respect them. The problem is though, that people in our society equate lack of respect with it being OK to treat people in a shitty manner.

There isn't another way to say it, people use the concept of respect to justify rape, murder and pillage all the time...

But yea

I wear short shorts and even shorter dresses and since I cut up on the dance floor while wearing the aforementioned items. I wear dark make-up and I can probably do better pole tricks than your favorite stripper. I curse, I burp and fart without saying excuse me(when I'm at home lol). I could go on and on... You may no longer respect me as a person as a result of it. None of these things means that it is OK for you to treat me as less than a human. And until we stop equating a lack of “respect” with a lack of humanity, this world is gonna be a hard place to live in....