Monday, April 21, 2014

Why Collect Donations??

When you believe in something strongly and whole-hardheartedly, I believe it's only natural to want to share it with the world. I want to make it my business to touch as many lives as possible doing something that I actually happen to be very good at(and people need.)

Mental illness is REAL. By creating a gofund me campaign, I'm not just raising money for a van, I'm raising awareness to mental health. I also hope to inspire other therapists to provide similar services as transportation can be a major barrier to overall good health. In addition, lack of convenience can also be a barrier to good health and this is an obstacle that my campaign could help to overcome.

I am not, nor have I ever been concerned with making a lot of money. I do know my worth but I'm not completely money driven. I share my idea because I WANT other people to copy it. I WANT other people to be inspired by it and create even better ideas that can help battle mental health in our communities.

If I simply “raised the money on my own” my idea would just be a good one. By reaching out and trying to gather donations, my idea becomes a GREAT one. Supporting me supports the idea that we as humans need to be more connected as a whole. I want to encourage people to work together for a common cause. Ideally, I'd like to have 4,500 people all donate a dollar because that means that 4,500 people are aware of the desperate need of mental health services in our communities. People who are aware can spread awareness to others and the cycle will continue.

Perhaps by seeing me do something, I can inspire someone else to get more involved in THEIR community. I fully intend on being the change I want to see. I want to live in a world where people care about their neighbors be they neighboring homes, states or countries. I plan on doing whatever I can to encourage an environment where humans feel connected to their fellow humans.

I want to make something VERY clear. I am not trying to raise money simply because I quit my job. I'm GOING to continue to work. I will be working UNTIL this happens. I am a LICENSED clinician so just because I quit working as a therapist for a certain company does not mean I have quit being a therapist. As a licensed clinician, I am qualified to provide mental health services to any person who deems me to be a fit provider. The client base is already there and I will seek them out.

When I came to Nashville, I got a job because I was looking to learn more about my community and I wanted to get a good feel for how the community operated. I could have very easily just handed out business cards and immediately went into private practice; I chose not to because I wanted to learn. Some wondered why I even worked there BECAUSE everyone knew that I was licensed and could rather easily go into practice on my own.

I know I could go the traditional route and save money or borrow from a bank but again that would not bring enough ATTENTION to what I am doing. I have CHOSEN this path because I want to start a movement...

Please if you can check out the link below

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