Saturday, June 15, 2013

Right to Religion

its early for a Saturday & I'm super congested...both in the nose & on the brain. My head is stuffed literally & figuratively. The only way to cope is for me to "unstuff" myself by unloading some of these thoughts

My husband is smart as shit. He's like a genius or something. We don't always agree, but one of the things I enjoy about our relationship is the fact that we can always have discourse about a variety of topics no matter how different out ideas are. So while it may seem as if we are in constant agreement, WE AREN'T!!!! so if I'm parroting his beliefs its b/c I believe something about them too.

With that being said, it was my husband who 1st introduced the idea to me that religion is about YOUR relationship with YOUR creator. Since then my belief system gradually began to change/evolve into something that worked FOR ME!!

Unfortunately for some, that does not entail going down the road to Christianity or any organized religion for that matter, at least not at this time in my life. As of late, I have come to the personal conclusion that different religions/should of thought exist because we are all different people. Different people require different motivation to keep their morals in check. Different people need different explanations for the various events that occur in their life. People need information & tactics that will alike them to persevere in their part of the world while still ultimately contributing to society & being productive people.

So as long as Im not being an evil person...& even if I am, it's really no ones business but mine & my Creator as to where my actions will eventually lead me. Now onto my concerns with Christianity & why it CANNOT work for ME!!

Ultimately, I believe that no religion is inherently evil. Even worshipers of Satan are not telling people to explicitly go out & cause harm to others. However when you have organized religion, that is when the goals of people can be used to manipulate the available information in order to meet their means...That to me is the definition of evil...manipulation of a situation so that you as a person can benefit no matter the cost to others. Many organized religions are used for evil purposes. Two of the "Big Three" Abrahamic religions I feel were specifically created to control people. The third I can't speak on as I'm not very familiar with their practices.

I'm not here to talk about Islam though b/c that religion wasn't created utilized to enslave MY people. By that I mean black people in the United States. The Bible is not a book that was authored from start to finish by one person or even a group of similar people. It's a collection of books written in various languages by hoards of people then the "Best" books were selected to be utilized as the Holy word... So even if I take every word as true[which is impossible in my opinion as I've made it to Chronicles & there have already been several contradictions, not to mention that the God of the old testament comes off as extremely vengeful] I can not ignore the fact that somethings could have been lost in translation...& this same book was used in these united states to keep people enslaved....even though it's been indicated that the story of Christ is a remake of stories that were already in existence...& those stories were created by the ancestors of the people that christianity was used to enslave but that's a topic for another day...

Christianity is a fairly new religion in comparison to the age of the world. I find it difficult to understand how if humans have been around for ages upon ages & suddenly just now in the last 2 millennia we've "suddenly gotten it right" & subsequently, all of our ancestors died in vain b/c they have not accepted white Jesus as their Lord & Savoir. I disagree with the idea that everyone was born into sin, I disagree with the idea that we are inherently unworthy which is different IMO from being undeserving. I also disagree with the idea that those who are doing well are blessed b/c that implies that other people are being cursed [the opposite of a blessing afterall]

I disagree with a lot of stuff. & what that tells me is not that Christianity is wrong but that christianity is not for me. I try to refrain from talking shout these tropics as I'm not in the business of being offensive but I would like to make my thoughts known b/c they are crowding my head due to life conversations.

The point is this. I don't think there its a right religion. I think that everyone does what its best for them based on the type of person The Creator made them to be. I do take offense when I'm told that my thoughts/beliefs are not true, or are thought of as a "moral cop out" I don't think its OK to try & get people to see your religious light...because your light is for you just like your medications are prescribed to you & you only. We silo get our spiritual needs from different places & different spaces. If you can't find something that works for you then CREATE SOMETHING!!!! I know ours hard to believe but will religion & concepts in general were novel ayyyy done point. Add people change & evolve, so do their needs

As for my beliefs & needs....I don't feel like I need church at this point in my life. & if I was truly honest with myself I have NEVER been comfortable in church or participating in organized religion in general. As an adult, I'm not going to put myself in places that make me feel uncomfortable b/c I'm also a firm believer in listening to your mind heart & body. If your honest with yourself, your moral compass will let you know of you've fucked up or not....& its your responsibility as a person to make the best decision for you.

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